2012年10月28日 星期日

Openstack Folsom - Boot from Volume (Rados Block Device)

這個是 Folsom 的隱藏新功能, 之前要做這件事都要做偷天換日的行為把 volume 的內容換掉, 但現在不必了, 這個功能已經整合進去 Folsom. 設定及操作都是參考以下這篇


Cinder Configuration

主要的安裝及設定請參考 openstack-folsom-installation-of-cinder


這邊因為 cinder 要和 glance 拿到 image template, 所以要在設定檔內加入 glance host 的 ip
rootwrap_config = /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf
api_paste_confg = /etc/cinder/api-paste.ini
sql_connection = mysql://cinder:password@localhost:3306/cinder
iscsi_helper = tgtadm
volume_name_template = volume-%s
volume_group = cinder-volumes
verbose = True
auth_strategy = keystone
state_path = /var/lib/cinder
rabbit_password = password
my_ip =
glance_host =

Glance Configuration

主要的安裝及設定請參考 openstack-folsom-installation-of-glance


需要 glance 把 rbd url 傳送出去, 所以把這個隱藏選項打開
show_image_direct_url = True

Upload Image

如果要直接從 Block Device 開機, 那原來的 image 的格式目前必須要是 raw image, 而不能用 qcow2. 所以我們先把 qcow2 轉成 raw image, 然後上傳到 glance
root@glance:~$ wget http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
root@glance:~$ kvm-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.raw
root@glance:~$ glance image-create --name Ubuntu-Precise-Raw --is-public true --container-format bare --disk-format raw < ./precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.raw
root@glance:~$ glance image-list
| ID                                   | Name                | Disk Format | Container Format | Size       | Status |
| cad779fc-c851-4581-ac4d-474c3773bf89 | Ubuntu-Precise-Raw  | raw         | bare             | 2147483648 | active |

Create Volume from Image Template

接下來從 cinder 生成一個新的 volume, 但多加一個參數指定從 Image Template 產生
root@cinder:~# cinder create --image-id cad779fc-c851-4581-ac4d-474c3773bf89 10
|       Property      |                Value                 |
|     attachments     |                  []                  |
|  availability_zone  |                 nova                 |
|      created_at     |      2012-10-29T03:12:59.504616      |
| display_description |                 None                 |
|     display_name    |                 None                 |
|          id         | 4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4 |
|       image_id      | cad779fc-c851-4581-ac4d-474c3773bf89 |
|       metadata      |                  {}                  |
|         size        |                  10                  |
|     snapshot_id     |                 None                 |
|        status       |               creating               |
|     volume_type     |                 None                 |

root@cinder:~# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  |  Display Name  | Size | Volume Type |             Attached to              |
| 4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4 | available |      None      |  10  |     None    |                                      |

root@cinder:~# rbd info volume-4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4
rbd image 'volume-4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4':
        size 10240 MB in 1280 objects
        order 23 (8192 KB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.2f8e5262f5ff
        format: 2
        features: layering
        parent: images/cad779fc-c851-4581-ac4d-474c3773bf89@snap
        overlap: 2048 MB

觀察 /var/log/cinder/cinder-volume.log
# 拿到 image location
2012-10-29 11:12:59 DEBUG cinder.volume.manager [req-eed17d93-f2da-479b-b04c-4418ca4948b3 fafd0583de8a4a1b93b924a6b2cb7e
b5 eefa301a6a424e7da3d582649ad0e59e] image_location: rbd://77e083f7-de88-4f9e-b654-8ce6949a3039/images/cad779fc-c851-458
1-ac4d-474c3773bf89/snap create_volume /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/manager.py:151
2012-10-29 11:12:59 DEBUG cinder.utils [req-eed17d93-f2da-479b-b04c-4418ca4948b3 fafd0583de8a4a1b93b924a6b2cb7eb5 eefa30
1a6a424e7da3d582649ad0e59e] Running cmd (subprocess): ceph fsid execute /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/utils.py

# 檢查一下 image 的 snapshot 
2012-10-29 11:12:59 DEBUG cinder.utils [req-eed17d93-f2da-479b-b04c-4418ca4948b3 fafd0583de8a4a1b93b924a6b2cb7eb5 eefa30
1a6a424e7da3d582649ad0e59e] Running cmd (subprocess): rbd info --pool images --image cad779fc-c851-4581-ac4d-474c3773bf8
9 --snap snap execute /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/utils.py:163

# 使用 ceph clone 功能 (COW)
2012-10-29 11:13:00 DEBUG cinder.utils [req-eed17d93-f2da-479b-b04c-4418ca4948b3 fafd0583de8a4a1b93b924a6b2cb7eb5 eefa30
1a6a424e7da3d582649ad0e59e] Running cmd (subprocess): rbd clone --pool images --image cad779fc-c851-4581-ac4d-474c3773bf
89 --snap snap --dest-pool rbd --dest volume-4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4 execute /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packag

# 最後 resize 大小
2012-10-29 11:13:00 DEBUG cinder.utils [req-eed17d93-f2da-479b-b04c-4418ca4948b3 
fafd0583de8a4a1b93b924a6b2cb7eb5 eefa301a6a424e7da3d582649ad0e59e] Running cmd (subprocess): rbd resize --pool rbd --image volume-4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4 --size 10240 execute /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/utils.py:163

Create VM

選擇剛剛上傳的 Raw Image

選擇 "Boot from volume", 然後選擇剛剛利用 Cinder 指令從 Image Template 做出來的  Volume

觀察 computer node 上面的 VM, 發現他的 block device 直接從 rbd protocol 連到 Ceph.
root@nova:~$ virsh list
 Id Name                 State
  1 instance-00000023    running
  4 instance-0000002b    running

root@nova:~$ virsh domblklist 4
Target     Source
vda        rbd/volume-4e8527a9-eb01-44f1-8fed-fc831c4134f4


如果遇到 Glance 出問題, 有可能是介接的部份出問題, 但問題不大, 主要是要把 unicode 轉 str


with rados.Rados(conffile=self.conf_file, rados_id=self.user) as conn:
            with conn.open_ioctx(self.pool) as ioctx:
                if loc.snapshot:
                    # 修改這行
                    with rbd.Image(ioctx, str(loc.image)) as image:
                            # 修改這行
                        except rbd.ImageBusy:
                            log_msg = _("snapshot %s@%s could not be "
                                        "unprotected because it is in use")
                            LOG.error(log_msg % (loc.image, loc.snapshot))
                            raise exception.InUseByStore()
                        # 修改這行   
                    # 修改這行
                    rbd.RBD().remove(ioctx, str(loc.image))
                except rbd.ImageNotFound:
                    raise exception.NotFound(
                        _('RBD image %s does not exist') % loc.image)
                except rbd.ImageBusy:
                    log_msg = _("image %s could not be removed"
                                "because it is in use")
                    LOG.error(log_msg % loc.image)
                    raise exception.InUseByStore()

